Sunday 27 September 2020

Matthew ‘ absolutely thrilled’ to become an Honorary Member of the R&A

Catriona Matthew -  Women’s Open at Royal Lytham & St Annes in 2009

The Scotsman -26 Sep 2020

Sol­heim Cup cap­tain Ca­tri­ona Matthew has ac­cepted an in­vi­ta­tion to be­come an Hon­orary Mem­ber of The Royal and An­cient Golf Club of St An­drews.

The Scot is one of four new hon­orary mem­bers, join­ing Ernie Els, Padraig Har­ring­ton and Nick Price. The quar­tet have won 11 ma­jor cham­pi­onships and are de­scribed by the Royal and An­cient Golf Club as “among the most suc­cess­ful and in­flu­en­tial pro­fes­sional golfers of the mod­ern era and... out­stand­ing am­bas­sadors for the sport”.

Matthew has achieved 11 pro­fes­sional vic­to­ries in her ca­reer, with the pin­na­cle be­ing her tri­umph at the Women’s Open at Royal Lytham & St Annes in 2009 when she was also named Ladies Euro­pean Tour player of the year.

The North Ber­wick golfer has rep­re­sented the Euro­pean Sol­heim Cup team on nine oc­ca­sions and was a mem­ber of three win­ning teams. In 2019, she cap­tained the Euro­pean team to a mem­o­rable 14 ½ - 13 ½ vic­tor y at Gle­nea­gles and will skip­per the side again next year when they take on the United States in Toledo, Ohio.

Matthew also enjoyed a hugely suc­cess­ful am­a­teur ca­reer, rep­re­sent­ing Great Bri­tain and Ireland and was in the Cur­tis Cup on three oc­ca­sions and win­ning the Women’s Am­a­teur Cham­pi­onship.

She said: “I am ab­so­lutely thrilled to be made an Hon­orary Mem­ber of The Royal and An­cient Golf Club and I feel very priv­i­leged to be join­ing such an il­lus­tri­ous group of Hon­orary Mem­bers who are such renowned fig­ures in the game of golf.

“I was for­tu­nate enough to be one of the first re­cip­i­ents of an R& A Schol­ar­ship at the Uni­ver­sity of Stir­ling and it gave me some fan­tas­tic op­por­tu­ni­ties to de­velop my ca­reer as a young golfer.

“The Club and the R& A do so much to grow the game and I’m hugely sup­port­ive of the work they are do­ing to sup­port women’s golf and par­tic­u­larly the AIG Women’s Open.”