Saturday, 19 January 2008
Beth Paterson and Jenny McGahan elected at SLGA AGM
The SLGA AGM took place yesterday at the Quality Station Hotel Perth.
SLGA's Chairman Margaret McNaughton's informative annual report was followed by the Finance Director Lynne Terry's detailed accounts annual review. The annual report of the Scottish representatives on the Executive Council of the LGU was then given by Gillian Kirkwood
Ethel Jack was elected as President for the second year and
RLCGA's Past Captain Beth Paterson (Eastwood ) pictured above was elected on to the board by the SLGA to replace Margaret MacNaughton who retires by expiry of her term of office.
Jenny McGahan (Douglas Park) was appointed as Deputy to Gillian Kirkwood and Shona Malcolm as Scottish Representatives on the Executive Council of the Ladies' Golf Union
Three changes to the Regulations regarding County Golf were approved by large margins, and, after a clear and concise explanation of the SLGA Business Plan by Shona Malcolm , the new Rules and Regulations for SLGA Ltd were also approved.
Subscriptions for playing members of clubs will increase in 2009 will increase by 50p to £13.
Mrs Pat Wilson was then elected to be the new Chairman of the SLGA.
Isabel Crawford is re appointed as a West Division Selector
Carol Fell (Ranfurly Castle and Douglas Park) asked the board in the "any competent business" section, if County Medals were the same as Open Days for the new Congu regulation. The answer was given as yes and she said that this was impossible to administer unless you used the Home Clubs handicap computer where the competition was being played at and not use the county laptop. The SLGA said they would look into the matter and Carol has sent a report to the SLGA as requested by the new Chairman Pat Wilson. This report includes an explanation of the problem and a couple of suggestions on how to solve this issue.
The meeting closed with an entertaining vote of thanks from Helen Faulds (Douglas Park)