Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Ayrshire’s Shona Malcolm nominated as SLGA Chairman


The Board of the Scottish Ladies’ Golfing Association is pleased to nominate Miss Shona Malcolm C.A. as Chairman of the Association for the three years from January 2009. The term of office of the current Chairman, Mrs Pat Wilson, expires at the Annual General Meeting in January 2009.

Currently Chairman of the SLGA’s Business Development Group and the “One Plan for Golf” steering group, and a Board member of clubgolf, the national junior golf initiative in Scotland, Shona will bring a wealth of golf knowledge and experience to the role of Chairman.

A Chartered Accountant by profession, Shona is currently working with the Ladies’ Golf Union to deliver the LGU’s Business Plan.

Shona MalcolmA native of Prestwick, the venue of the first Open Championship in 1860, Shona became involved in golf administration in the early eighties and served as Treasurer of the SLGA from 1996-2001, before taking on the role of Councillor on the Ladies’ Golf Union in 2007. She is a member of both Prestwick St. Nicholas and Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Clubs, and was Lady Captain of the latter in its Centenary Year, 1999.

The appointment of a Chairman for three years marks an important stage in the SLGA’s development which has, in recent years, seen the Association take on responsibility for handicapping, course rating and the running in Scotland of the former LGU medals, as well as the implementation of a change in business model from being an unincorporated association to a company limited by guarantee.
Pat Wilson, the present Chairman, says
“I am delighted that Shona is to become our new three year Chairman bringing continuity to the role. Shona brings, not only tremendous experience of golfing administration having been Treasurer of the SLGA and an LGU Councillor, but also vast business knowledge from her professional role as a C.A.”

Shona says

“I am very pleased to have been nominated as Chairman of the SLGA at these exciting and challenging times for ladies’ golf. The SLGA has a responsibility to protect and promote the interests of ladies’ golf in Scotland, celebrating the golfing legacies and traditions while encouraging more people to take up the sport.

I genuinely believe that golf should be accessible to anyone, of either gender, who wants to play, and look forward to working in partnership under “One Plan for Golf” with our colleagues at the Scottish Golf Union and the PGA to achieve this goal.

I look forward to contributing to the ongoing modernisation initiatives, and to meeting and consulting with many of the SLGA’s members in the coming months and years.”

Monday, 3 November 2008

Credit crunch forces Lyle Anderson to put Loch Lomond Course up for sale

Golf is not escaping the Credit Crunch ... Lyle Anderson has had to put Loch Lomond Golf Club and course on the market. See the full story by going to the Scottish Golf View Website

The 2009 West of Scotland Championship will return to Prestwick

The 2009 West Of Scotland Ladies' Strokeplay Championship is scheduled to be held at Prestwick Golf Club on Sunday 3rd May.
This will be the third occasion in recent years that the championship has been contested over the Prestwick links, the last occasion being in 1997 when former Ayrshire ladies Champion and Prestwick resident Catherine Malcolm (Prestwick St. Cuthbert) took the title

Sunday, 2 November 2008

£723 raised for MS at Douglas Park

Douglas Park Ladies section held a coffee morning yesterday and raised £723 for REVIVE MS

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Golf Central -- Link to their New Website

Golf Club CentralIt contains a wealth of information regarding Golf Clubs, Driving Ranges and nearby accomodation should you be moving to a new area to live or planning a golfing holiday.

Golf Central is a web site/facility sponsored by the Scottish Golf Union.

It also gives valuable information concerning which Clubs are offering Open Competitions - in many cases you can apply online.
Click Here to be taken to the web site - refine your search criteria ie radius from Glasgow for example, type of Golf Club, Open Competition etc and you will receive comprehensive up-to-date data.

Friday, 31 October 2008

Eilidh Briggs is the 2008 West of Scotland Girls Champion

The Finals of the 2008 West Girls Championships took place Sunday 26th October in the most horrendous conditions. The finals had been postponed due to heavy rain on the 4th. The Championship match was very tight between Renfrewshire's Eilidh Briggs and Ayrshire's Rachael McQueen (Troon Ladies) with Eilidh winning at the 17th
To read more go to West of Scotland Girls Website

D&A County AGM and their Website is changing

The D&A County AGM was held at Douglas Park on Wednesday Evening . To see some photos from the AGM CLICK HERE
There website adress is changing to www.dalcga.wordpress.com
The link on the RHS of this webpage has now been changed to the new address where you will find the County Winter Foursomes Results

Happy Halloween to all our Readers

Click to play Halloween Horrors
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Just a wee bit of fun on Halloween

Want to see some more fun go to the West Vets Website

Thursday, 30 October 2008

2009 Medal Competitions - Added New format - Dual Day Medal

From the SLGA Website
The LGU has advised the National Organisations that LGU Medals will cease to exist from 1st February 2009 and they will be replaced by SLGA Medals. To see a summary of the changes click Click Here.

The SLGA Medal Competitions may be run in the following formats :
1 Single Day Medal
2 Alternative Day Medal
3 Dual Day Medal
To read and print out the full conditions Click Here.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Daily Mail Foursomes Finals at Dalmahoy

Sally Hamilton (Loudoun Gowf) reports:
Due to the terrible weather over the weekend of the finals the format was changed on the first day to one Stableford round with the top four teams from 16 progressing to the semi-finals.
Loudoun Gowf (Sally Hamilton and Gale Macpherson) were lucky enough to be in the top four.
Again, due to the weather on day two, the format was changed from match-play to Stableford stroke-play and, unfortunately, we played the last four holes poorly.
To see a photo of Sally Hamilton and Gale Macpherson go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website

All in the West congratulate you both on a great achievement in getting so far in the tournament

Sunday, 26 October 2008

The Douglas Park All Stars Entertain

The Douglas Park All Stars were entertaining at Douglas Park last night. Derek Galloway the Catering Manager was holding his last function before departing to Australia. He has been with the club for 8 years. A good evening was had by all --you may recognise some famous West of Scotland Lady Golfers enjoying the evening !! Past Captain Janet Dow is pictured with Derek at the end of the film --- Apologies for the video being a bit dark

To See a better picture Click Here and then click on watch in high quality if your broadband will allow it.
If you find the video starts and stops let it work its way through and then play it again -- Sorry out of my control-- depends on your broadband connection

Some Scottish Humour

Here is a short Audio File sent in by Carol Whyte of Windyhill to make you laugh on a horrible day --- Click on the Play button and make sure your sound is turned on.

Thanks Carol for the light entertainment

Saturday, 25 October 2008

SLGA Girls Order of Merit Award

Scottish Under-21 girls champion Kelsey MacDonald has won the Scottish Ladies Golfing Association girls’ order of Merit title for 2008 by just about as big a margin as Kylie Walker (Buchanan Castle) won the women’s merit table.
1 K MacDonald (Nairn Dunbar) 2725
2 R Watton (Mortonhall) 1500
3 L Atkins (Minto) 1475
4 J Meldrum (Dullatur) 1410
5 E Briggs (Kilmacolm) 1325
6 G Scanlan (Hamilton) 1260
7 S Vass (Tain) 1080
8 S Leslie (Murcar Links) 1030
9 R McQueen (Troon Ladies) 970
9 C Booth (Comrie) 970
11 J Graham (Southerness) 930
12 R Wilson (Monifieth) 900
13 E Muirhead (Pitlochry) 780
14 A Niven (Crieff) 755
15 A McKechin (Elderslie) 550

LGU Medal will be a thing of the past

For more than 100 years, the LGU Medal has been a fundamental part of every ladies' golf club fixture list, but, with effect from February 1, 2009, responsiblity for the running of medal competitions will be passed to the National Organisations.
The LGU medal will essentially cease to exist, to be replaced by medals organised and named, as appropriate, by the English Women’s Golf Association, the Irish Ladies’ Golf Union, the Scottish Ladies’ Golfing Association or the Golf Union of Wales.
The individual National Organisations will advise clubs of their medal arrangements and rules in due course but should you have any queries please direct these to the relevant National Orgnaisation.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Kylie Walker wins the 2008 SLGA Order of Merit

Kylie Walker (Buchanan Castle) has won the Scottish Ladies Golfing Association's Order of Merit for the 2008 season.
Kylie finished with 3250 points, more than 1,000 ahead of her "British" conqueror, Roseanne Niven (Crieff).

1 K Walker (Buchanan Castle) 3250
2 R Niven 2187
3 L Murray 2030
4 L Kenney 1905
5 M Briggs (Kilmacolm)1477
6 M Thomson 1460
7 P Pretswell (Bothwell Castle) 1269
8 J Turner 1203
9 K MacDonald 1155
10 L Hendry (Routenburn) 1107
11 C-M Carlton (Fereneze) 1075

GRI and Associate Hospitals Golf Club hold their AGM and prizegiving

The GRI Prizewinners -- Click to enlarge The AGM of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Associate Hospitals held their AGM, dinner and prizegiving at Douglas Park Golf Club this evening.
Members from Airdrie, Bathgate, Cawder, Douglas Park, Esporta, Hilton Park, Kirkintilloch and Ranfurly Castle attended.
Captain of the GRI club Marion Stevenson (Douglas Park) hosted the evening and presented the prizes. Elsie Brodie (Bathgate) was elected Captain for 2009 and Frances Ireland (Hilton Park) is the new Vice Captain.
Betty Bradford (Hilton Park)-- the "wee one" in the middle with a trophy is unfortunately not available for Curtis Cup selection due to her appointment at the Geriatrician Clinic !!!

Click on the photo above to see an enlargement

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

The 2008 Greenlees Lunch and Presentation

The 2008 Greenlees Trophy Winners - Click to enlarge The Greenlees Trophy Winners (From L to R) Anne Robinson (Ranfurly Castle ) - Runners Up Division 1, Marion Mason (Milngavie - Winners Division 2) , Rosemary Donaldson (Troon - Division 1 Winners) and Jinty Roger (Williamwood - Winners Division 3) - Click to enlarge

The 2008 Greenlees Lunch and presentation took place yesterday and Mary Hardie (Captain) welcomed everyone to this years lunch at Ranfurly Castle

The new Greenlees Secretary Fiona Roger hosted the lunch and in her opening remarks she said that for one reason or another some clubs had been unable to be with us, and they had sent their apologies. Ranfurly Castle had to restrict numbers to a maximum of 60 and she hoped that this had not caused any problem.

Fiona gave a special thank you to Carol Fell. She told everyone that Carol had worked with her since last autumn to set up the availability for her to record all the fixtures dates, results and ongoing totals for all the seasons matches. She said she could not have done it without her. Always at the end of the phone when he make a mistake and needed her to sort it out!! We both hope that everyone in the clubs has benefited from what we have done and we will continue to try and make it as simple for everyone as possible. She then presented Carol with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for all her help.

Fiona went on to say that she has been involved as a player for Ranfurly since 1975 and in that year Milngavie… with team handicaps ranging from 2 to 14 headed up by Vicki Mcallister won the Greenlees trophy with 43½ points. Troon with handicaps ranging from 1 to 8 and headed up by Miss T.M. Walker and Mrs Belle Robertson both off handicaps of 1 were 2nd with 40½ points. Ranfurly Castle were relegated… records fortunately do not record how many points she contributed to the team in her first year. She also hoped that no one would record her first years effort as Greenlees Secretary

Fiona then went on to tell us all about Willeen McCallum our retired Greenlees Secretary

In all the papers and files which Willeen had given her, Fiona had come across the following: a hand written letter dated January 8th 1988 the year Willeen became Greenlees Secretary …………which she read out to everyone.

She went on to say "You ran the Greenlees league, single handed for 19 years. A fate worse than death! " "Your organisational skills, friendly manner and sense of humour stood you in good stead and we all owe you a great debt of gratitude."

" I think if I am still in charge after 19 years someone will have to shoot me and bury me at the bottom of my garden!"

She also went on to say "To be serious for a moment I don’t think anyone realises how much time and effort Willeen spent making sure that the league ran smoothly through the summers and then followed this up with the presentation lunches and December fixture meetings."
" As well as the general day to day running of the league, proposals from clubs had to be dealt with as well as any complaints from clubs - on the whole the latter were not numerous."
"But it all adds up to responsibility of running the league."
"In your time of office the 50th anniversary took place and you organised a Greenlees Jamboree over Troon Portland. A highly successful day. 3 ball best ball competition with 60 competitors. Lunch provided for some 100 people. --No mean feat of organisation "

On behalf of all the clubs Fiona thanked her for all her untiring efforts. She then presented Willeen with 2 beautifully engraved picture frames plus a voucher on behalf of all the clubs.

Willeen thanked everyone for her gift and said that the highlight of her 20 years in office was the meeting of Mrs Greenlees in 1990 at the 50th Anniversary at Troon. Mrs Greenlees got married at aged 17 , had 2 children by the age of 20 and started her golfing career at Prestwick St.Nicholas and died in 1994 aged 94 --- She also said that Rosa Maxwell of Prestwick St Nicholas --- has the full history of Mrs Greenlees (We may put the story on this website)
Willeen on the other hand started her golfing career at Ranfurly Castle . However, she now just manages to squeeze in at no 9 in the Whitecraigs team.

She also said that the rules had basically not changed over the years.
She said she had enjoyed her years as Greenlees Secretary and wished everyone the best for the future.
Ranfurly Captain Mary Hardie then presented the Trophies to all the Winners

Fiona then thanked Anne Robinson (Ranfurly Castle's Greenlees Secretary) for coordinating todays lunch and presented her with a small gift.

She then rounded off the lunch with a poem written by Jennifer Mack (Haggs Castle) which was very relevant to the Greenlees Trophy League and a fitting tribute to Willeen for all she did on our behalf.


To see more photographs from previous Greenlees Lunches Click Here

The 2008 Greenlees Final Results
1st Division:
Troon 47.5
Ranfurly Castle 42.5
Cathkin Braes 40.5
Kilmacolm 40
Hilton Park 36.5
Prestwick St Nicholas 36
Kilmarnock Barassie 29.5
Douglas Park 27.5
Cochrane Castle 24
Douglas Park and Cochrane Castle are relegated to Division 2

2nd Division:
Milngavie 46.5
West Kilbride 45
Whitecraigs 42.5
Bothwell Castle 36.5
Cardross 35
Erskine 33.5
Old Ranfurly 33
Lanark 28
Cowglen 24
Milngavie and West Kilbride are promoted to Division 1 and Lanark and Cowglen are relegated to Division 3

Division 3:
Williamwood 52.5 --- 1st
Eastwood 52.5 ---- 2nd
Largs 46.5
Haggs Castle 45
Greenock 39.5
Cawder 37.5
East Renfrewshire 36.5
Lenzie 35
Turnberry 32
Cathcart Castle 28
Williamwood and Eastwood are promoted to Division 2
For all the season's results click on the following link:2008 Greenlees Results

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Scotland's Men's Team are the World Champions in Australia

Everyone in the West of Scotland congratulate the Scottish Men's Team who soared to victory at the World Amateur Team Championships in Australia today (19 October) .
To read the full report go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Draft of the 2009 SLGA Fixture List

Want to keep a check for all the 2009 fixtures so that they do not coincide with your Club Competitions then print out a draft 2009 SLGA Fixture List CLICK HERE
When I receive the 2009 County Fixture Lists and West Vets Fixtures I will put them on this website

Monday, 13 October 2008

October Medal and McCartney Quaich - Milngavie

Played 5th October (SSS 71, CSS 72)
Silver: Anna Telfer (5) [acb] 74, Davina Lavery (10) 74
Bronze: Lesley Wilkie (26) 73 Moira McCartney (24) 78
Scratch : Anna Telfer 79

McCartney Quaiche :
Final: Lois Connell + Moira MacLeod beat Gerry Cragg + Brenda Sharp 6&5

The Rutherford Practice --Restore your energy levels after a round of golf !

The Rutherford Parctice - Click to enlarge
Maggie Rutherford is a member of Douglas Park Golf Club and she is an excellent person to visit if you are feeling in need of recharging your batteries.
Click on the advert above to read all about it

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Susan Woods of Lanarkshire is the best in the West in the Champion of Champions

Played over the Glasgow Gailes links in Ayrshire this afternoon.
Final results:
76 Alexandra Bushby (North of Scotland), Carly Booth (Scottish Girls) [Bushby won after a playoff]
78 Rachael Livingstone (Midlothian) bih, Cara Gruber (Northern Counties)
79 Mary Smith (Senior Strokeplay)
80 Susan Wood (Drumpellier -- Lanarkshire)
82 Fiona de Vries (Veterans)
83 Laura Walker (Perth and Kinross)
86 Megan Briggs (Kilmacolm -- Renfrewshire)
87 Rebecca Wilson (Angus), Lorna Bennett (Senior Matchplay)
88 Ruth Carroll (East Lothian), Lindsay Kirkwood (Dumfriesshire)

To read the full report go to Gillian Kirkwood Website

Cochrane Castle's Gillian McGinlay is in the Where Eagles Dare Final

Gillian McGinlay (Cochrane Castle) is playing in the Final of the Mail on Sunday "Where Eagles Dare" to be played over the Fairmont St Andrews resort tomorrow
To read what the final is all about CLICK HERE
Good Luck Gillian --- To read the initial Newspaper Report then click on the following link Sunday Mail Report

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Scotland finish 11th in the World Amateur Championships

Scotland just failed to make their target of a top-10 finish in the women's world amateur team championship for the Espirito Santo Trophy at Grange Golf Club, Adelaide in Australia.
They had their best team effort on the fourth and final day - a 72 from Roseanne Niven, a 73 from Kylie Walker and a 75 from Krystle Caithness - but came joint 11th in the final standings, which is not a bad effort at all in a field of 48 teams.
To read the full report go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website

Friday, 10 October 2008

Daily Mail Foursomes - Loudoun reach the finals

Programme for Daily Mail Foursomes Finals at Marriott Dalmahoy
The Daily Mail Foursomes closing stages will be played at the Marriott Dalmahoy on Monday and Tuesday, October 20 and 21.

All of whom have come through seven match-play rounds to get to Marriott Dalmahoy.
WOMEN: Anstruther, Carnoustie, Caledonia, Loudoun Gowf
MEN: Cawder, Dunwhinny,  (Gleneagles)Muckhart

October Medal - Whitecraigs

Silver Winner: Margaret Kyle 72
Silver R/Up : Jennifer Chuwen 76
Bronze Winner : Kirsty Davidson 76
Bronze R/Up: Anne Fisher 81
Scratch: Margaret Kyle 82

October Competition Results - Kilmacolm

9 Hole Stableford -- Played 5/10/08, 9 entries SSS 71, CSS 71
1. Sharen Wilson (35) 39 points
2. Alison Adams (20) 38

October Medal, SSS 72, CSS 73, 9 entries, 1 class
1. Val Lawrence (18) 74
2. Elspeth Hamilton (20) 75
Scratch Rena Simpson (11) Gross 87

Scotland climb to 12th Position in Australiia

Krystle Caithness had another great day at the women's world amateur team championship for the Espirito Santo Trophy at the Grange Golf Club, Adelaide in Australia.
After matching her opening round of two-under-par 71, Krystle is lying joint third in the individual standings.
With Kylie Walker contributing a 75, it was a better day for Scotland with a Day 3 team score of 146. They have climbed to joint 12th position - one behind England - but 25 shots behind the runaway leaders, Sweden, who are 11 shots ahead of next-best Spain with one round to go.
A top-10 finish is now the realistic target for Scotland, which would still be a creditable effort on the world amateur stage

To read all the results go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website

October Medal - Greenock Golf Club

Played 2nd October 2008, (SSS 71, CSS 71)
Silver: Kerri McGill (20) 69, Linda McDougall (8) 71
Bronze: Ann Sweeney (22) 75, Helen Armstrong (22) 76
Scratch: Linda McDougall Score: 79

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Scotland slip back on second day in Australia

Scotland have tumbled down the leaderboard after the second day in the women's world amateur team championship for the Espirito Santo Trophy at the Grange Golf Clb, Adelaide in Australia.
Krystle Caithness 71, Rosanne Niven 81, Kylie Walker 81 
To read the full report then go to the Gillian Kirkwood Website